Zoe, what you shared about your memory of bright paint colors reminds me of one of my early childhood memories too. I was still living in England at the time and was at a sleepover at a friend's house. We were using colored pencils to work on one of her coloring books and there was a picture of a female Spanish dancer in a traditional costume. We used bright orange and yellow for the dress and for some reason that pairing of colors has stayed with me for the rest of my life. Sometimes I place mandarin oranges and lemons together and get that same feeling of joy!

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Wow 😍! I feel like you just transported me inside a memory - I can almost see the pencil colouring of the Spanish dancer, and those mandarin oranges and lemon yellows 🍋... so beautiful ✨. Hehe, now I feel inspired to try an outfit with this combination of colours!

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